Occasionally we get the question: “Is it going to work on mobile phones?”….. and the answer is always “Absolutely”. In today’s world,  where mobile devices are everywhere,  it makes zero sense to launch a new e-commerce website or even branding website without full mobile support.

A recent study by IgnitionOne shows that around 49.2% of e-commerce marketing emails are opened on mobile devices (an increase of almost 14% since Q1/Q2 2013. The implications for  website design, mobile marketing programs and general email marketing programs are tremendous.

Marketers must create mobile engagement paths that go beyond just creating an ideal user experience for visitors on their computers. Our experience at Accorin is in-line with the IngitionOne findings. More and more we are seeing the traffic to our customers’ sites are coming on mobile devices. Given the large number of mobile open rates, this makes sense.  However, having visitors come from email on a mobile device and then experience a non mobile-friendly experience, causes “friction”.  It also causes lower conversion rates, than  when compared to visitors  that have a user interface that is optimized for their device. Email links going to a mobile landing page is a good start, but breaks down very quickly when the user goes into the rest of an e-commerce conversion funnel that is not mobile friendly. To ensure a great experience for all visitors, it is important to have the whole customer purchase cycle be responsive to the device that the visitor arrived on.

At Accorin, all the b2b and b2c e-commerce sites that we create are designed to be fully mobile friendly for end users. So, if if you have existing e-commerce site that is not mobile friendly, give us a call, we can help.
